New Year New Look... A hair makeover!
It's a New Year and people would be asking you "what's your New Year resolution?” While most of us equipped ourselves with the most meaningful answer, I have to be honest that I have not. I don't see the point coming out with some creative promises that I'm not planning to keep. Well instead of listing all the things you wanted to do, why not just make it happens.
This year, I have a new hair makeover. It wasn't planned; I was with my sister at the mall when I happened to stop outside the hair salon. I don't really have anything in mind and I don't really know why I stopped.. I just did. I have always wanted to try a new look, but I've been too unsure of the outcome and often hesitate. As I was dilly-dallying outside, a young man in his 20s came out and asked if he can be of any help. Typical me, I always panicked when the store assistant came and talks to me so I often end up buying a lot of stuff that I don't really need... in this case it's the hairdresser. I didn't really looked at him but stammering stupid questions like "what's the different between digital perming and bla bla bla..." As the young man patiently explaining everything to me, my sister got impatient and dragged me in. She said, "stop yapping and just do it!" sounds like Nike ad... Just Do It! A really good motto I have to say... hahaha...

Eddie had to cut some of my hair before he proceeds with the coloring. My god I was shocked to see my hair after the first wash... I'm so used to having my hair dark that the reddish light brown shade gives me a fright! OMFG I thought I look like that Mak Inang, the driver's wife my brother hired to pick me up from school when I was in SMPT! (Sorry I forgot his name =P) I frantically asked my sister if I looked all right, she must have been annoyed by my paranoia. The girl, I think her name is Christina... forgive me if I'm wrong... she's really nice to me, asking me if I want to go to the washroom before we proceed with the perming. When I returned Eddie continue with the perming process. I imagined I would cringe in pain as he pulled my hair strands into the roller but I was wrong. The painful experience when I did my hair rebonding in Sunway, where the hairdresser actually got my left ear and strands of my hair burned that I had tears of pain in my eye.. it was distant memories now. Eddie was kind and always asked me if I'm alright. When he's done, Christina started to plug some wires into the rollers... Well at this moment I was quite scared... at the same time I'm picturing myself as the underground lord given the electrocution for drug trafficking. I wonder if the chemicals have rooted into my brain cells that cause this hallucination? So when Eddie asked me what would I like for a drink I thought I was imagining things. Whatever... Christina was by my side for the first few minutes making sure that I'm okay, man you guys should have seen me, I had rollers with wires attached to my head. Berasap kepala ooo.... Sorry have to say it, I'm a pure Sabahan so I can't help it.. hehehe.. The whole process takes about half hour, Eddie came back with a can of 100 Plus energy drink.
When everything is done, the outcome was a great surprise! I got gorgeous brown curly locks and I actually look good =) I've never felt happier. My sister compliments and insists that I keep Eddie as my hairdresser. I don't really like going to the hair salon that much but I guess it's not easy to find such good creative hairstylist! To those of you who need a makeover, go and visit Comb Studio in Sungei Wang Plaza, Kuala Lumpur located at G 032 Ground Floor.
Update : Eddie Law no longer works there, he is now in Ampang.
Update : Eddie Law no longer works there, he is now in Ampang.
he he he Meng nampak cam kurus pula. Wah rambut pun buli ubah wajah pulak kan?
hehe.. tu la... kalau tau lama sudah bikin begini. kikiki...
aku pula suka tinguk popuan lambut lulus ooo... teknik leebonding
sikalang aaa lambut wa tidak juga kelinting tidak juga lulus ooo.. bekulut seja... kenapaitu aa?
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